Jul 29, 2018
This week I chat to Jay Coates who is one of the creatives behind Cognitive Merchant which stems from a love of DnD and all thing Fantasy. Jay also works alongside his partner Bea Noir (episode 12) who has been on the show already, jointly the run lots of performance nights which Jay will sometimes host. An interesting story in this episode of how Jay found himself mc-ing his first gig!
I also pay a visit to their workshop and meet some of the team including Magik Ash (episode 11) and Bea Noir. Jay and his team started out painting minis for their fellow DnD players and rebinding worn out player's handbooks. Now, they have made it their mission, to create beautiful, bespoke items, worthy of the adventurers that wield them.
We also chat about his collection of tattoo's and love of live action role play. For all details to find Jay and Cognitive Merchant it's all listed below! Enjoy!
You can find all the links here:
Facebook: Cognitive Merchant or Jay Coates
Twitter: cognitivemerch
Instagram: cognitivemerchant or jw_spotlight
Website: Cognitive Merchant
Youtube: Cognitive Merchant